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Fine Knafeh Ready Mix




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Fine Knafeh Ready Mix Product

Fine Knafeh Ready Mix

Because authenticity is key!

In the Middle East, Knafeh is available everywhere, whether coarse, fine, or a mix of both. Most commonly (and easily) in the U.S., coarse Knafeh can be made at home using the phyllo pastry ultra thin dough found in the freezers of most grocery stores. That is great and all, but what about those of us who miss the fine dough Knafeh? 


This is the inspiration behind this Fine Knafeh Ready Mix. Because the preparation of the fine dough is tedious, most people shy away from making it at home. Well, this product is here to help! The Fine Knafeh Ready Mix is here to help you make your fine Knafeh by just adding your favorite cheese and syrup. No more trial and error, and long hours in the kitchen trying to perfect Knafeh's fine dough. Just ready to bake authentic ingredients.

You're welcome! 

Because authenticity is key!


A love story <3

Knafeh has a long love story traced back to the Palestinian city of Nablus. From there, Knafeh spread throughout the Middle East (and the world) adjusting and adapting to local ingredients and serving styles. This versatile empress of Middle Eastern desserts garnered so much enthusiasm amongst the sweet-toothed, and nostalgia amongst the wanderers.  Knafeh is there to celebrate our happiness and soothe our sadness. It connects people and transcends divisions. The delicious warm crust and gooey, stretchy cheese can satisfy a single-serve craving or satiate a tribe. 


Got a gas stovetop, oven or a charcoal grill? 

The Fine Knafeh Ready Mix is ideal for a 10-12 inch pan.

The pan/tray has to be either aluminum or copper.

Defrost the Fine Knafeh Ready Mix.

Grease the pan with ghee or butter,

Spread the Fine Knafeh Ready Mix evenly (1/2 inch thickness).

Add your favorite sweet white cheese (Akkawi, white cheese, Dana, mix with Mozzarella etc).

Using a stove-top or charcoal grill, rotate the pan slowly and constantly on low heat until the edges of the dough turn golden and the cheese melts - typically 15-20 minutes.

Using an oven heat to 350 - 375 f place the pan/tray on the lowest rack, leave the oven door open so that the heat exits the oven and does not burn the cheese.

Once cooked, take it off the cook-top for a minute to rest.

Flip into another tray then add hot syrup (to ensure crispy top).


We will not take it personally if you would like to be creative and add ice cream, chocolate, or anything else your heart desires. We offer authenticity but get modern-day versatility. The Fine Knafeh Ready Mix can also be prepared in the small size Knafeh plate (up to 4) depending on preferred thickness. 

The delicious warm crust and gooey, stretchy cheese can satisfy a single-serve craving or satiate a tribe.” 

Ready to Make One? 

We're here to help show you how

Large Serving

Small Serving


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